Please consider contributing a special donation towards Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha as well as some church Wish List items, to offset church expenses, by selecting to sponsor towards an item from the list below. 

Please make your checks payable to Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and put the item name in the memo or comments section. Any amount is appreciated!  To give online, click here:  https://www.saintnicholas.org/donate

Thank you and Kali Sarakosti!

Acolyte Candles 8 (13% sponsored) $1600

Bishops Candle Set (2) (0% sponsored) $1100

Holding Stand for Censer/Charcoal (0% sponsored) $550

Communion Wine (46% sponsored) $750

Olive Oil for Vigil Lamps (42% sponsored) $600

Live Streaming of Services (17% sponsored)  $2990     

Tray and Cross Set (0% sponsored)   $600

Candle Cups (100% sponsored) $1000

Candles - Holy Fri and Sat night (100% sponsored) $1200

Candles for Epitaphio (100% sponsored) $750

Candles for Lent Services (100% sponsored) $550

Charcoal (100% sponsored) $240

Clergy Lambades-Anastasi (100% sponsored) $500

Flowers for Epitafios (100% sponsored) $1800

Flowers for Icons, Cross, Lent (100% sponsored) $850

Flowers for Icons,Holy Wk,Resurr. (100% sponsored) $1200

Incense (Livani) (100% sponsored) $480

Needed Other Flowers for Church (100% sponsored) $1150

Olive Oil - Holy Unction (100% sponsored) $300

Palms (100% sponsored) $600

Sheet for Receiving Body of Christ (100% sponsored) $120

Rose Water (100% sponsored) $180

Stefani Wreath-Holy Thurs (100% sponsored) $300

Peter Pan